NOS Kama 6/8
30 Degree Red Latigo Strop
Simpsons Colonel X2L
WetShaveObsession White Lightning Soap
WetShaveObsession White Lightning Blash
The Hardware:
Lets start with the razor. There are only 2 straight razors brands that when I see one available as a NOS all sensibilities go out the window and I go into this irrational must have mode. Kama is one of them. To find out the other you will have to stay tuned to future SOTD's and see. So enough said about how I feel re: this razor.
The strop is a 30 Degree Red Latigo. It is relatively new to me but so far I like it. The draw is still breaking in a bit I think. It is a bit firmer or heavier than I am used to compared to a couple other strops I use but it seems to do a fine job. 40 laps on the webbed strop and Id guess 80-100 on the leather ( I didnt count).
As far as the brush , a Simpsons Colonel X2L, I almost feel that falls into the waht more can be said catagory but Ill say some things anyway. I feel like this is one of the most versitile brushes I have. Face, Bowl, or Palm lather, you name it this brush lathers well and performs just as well.
The Software:
The Soap was WSO White Lightning. I dont want to use my SOTD as a rah rah advertising, shilling session. I will just say this is one of my favorite straight razor soaps. Its a lightly mentholated vanilla mint soap that has a light pleasant odor and a cooling effect from the menthol that I find pleasing.
The Aftershave was WSO White Lightning Blash & again the point of the SOTD isnt to shill but to share. This simply pairs very well with the soap and leaves my face feeling cool, soothed and well moisturized.
The Shave:
The shave itself was an excellent one. As with all of my straight shaves that go as I hope and that is very well, I only do one pass and a touch up. This shave didnt disappoint. My prep was short and sweet, a warm water face wash, no more, no less. The lather was quite slick and a tad cooling with nice cushion. I did have to thin it a bit more than when I took the pic. It was slightly thick for my liking for a straight shave.
All in all it was pretty uneventful but pleasant shave. The reason I can get away with one pass and a touch up using a stright is that when I started it forced me to pay much more attention to directional facial hair growth. I shave accordingly and provided my razor is honed up to snuff there is no need for additional passes and often the touch up is very minimal. Do not get me wrong, this isnt always the case, but with my better shaves, it is. This was a "better shave"!
I am sure I will get back into the groove of posting my SOTD's and do a better job describing. Actually I am in the process of setting up a youtube channel so my hopes are the vids will take the place of my literary attempts to describe and shave and the hardware and software used. A special thanks to my friend James for his assistance in accomplishing this youtube channel. I am not the most technically adept.
All is all it is simply good to be back. I thank all of you for that. Also a special thanks to my friend Ralph at # Knockoutshave, James @jammin_GIJames, Dutsin (you know who you are) and forgive me for any others whom I may be omitting.
The Pic:
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