Just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your patience and support. As many of you know in a bit of a family medical situation with my Mom at the moment. Out of nowhere some serious issues arose and surgeries were and are required. One of which was completed today, prepping for what is hopefully the final one on Wednesday.
It is ironic as I have befriended so many customers and shared this with a few of them and the wetshaving community is such a tight knit one I have received well wishes from so many people it is unbelievable. That is what prompted this blog. Please do not take offense if I have not responded to your individual email well wishes or at my absence on the forums. I am simply balancing & prioritizing things at the moment and doing what I can, where I can, in all areas to keep things moving along. Again a huge thanks to everyone for all your support, thoughts and prayers. They are much appreciated.
Now as far as WSO business. I am still cleaning up the remnants of the USPS shipping debacle and reships have been and are being sent. If you have not received shipping notification you will be in the next few days. I am shipping several orders tonight and hope to have the rest out tomorrow so all customer commitments will be honored. This has been quite the sequence of unplanned and unfortunate events. I appreciate all of your patience and understanding more than I can express.
In addition to reships I am also beginning the process of getting product to KnockOutShave.com so the distribution of WSO products can be taken over and both availability and service can be at the level customers deserve. I will do this as quickly as I can under current circumstances. Please do not ask him when he will be getting items in. That falls on me to get them to him and I will as they are ready. It will take a bit to ramp up stock but I really feel this will help everyone, especially you the customer. I have said many times, I never expected this amazing and overwhelming response, I an honored and humbled by it, I fell bad I have not been able to keep up with it, and I feel like there is now a solution in place that will most certainly vastly improve it and hopefully correct it.
This is almost like a starting over of sorts. The issue with WSO products that has really made this such a large issue is quite simply the time put into the manufacture of them. It not just a combining of ingredients and the making of the products. It is the extensive prep of the ingredients beforehand that is very time consuming as well. I honestly feel however that is what makes the difference. The time, care and effort to ensure not only the best ingredients, but that the best ingredients are then individually optimized, then the manufacture process and so on. Time and time again it has been suggested that a corner be cut here and there, but I honestly believe the reason the demand has been what it is due to these steps that are and have been taken. The solution to the problem does not and can not lie in cutting corners or compromising the very core principles (and in my opinion ultimately the quality) the products were originally formulated with. That is what makes them what they are. Long term will that prevent WSO from being a "big time" player? Perhaps it will, but it will not prevent WSO from producing the finest quality products possible...and that is and always has been the goal.
Thank You to everyone for your time. I apologize again for my absence on the Forums and Social Media hopefully all will return to normal very soon.
Enjoy Your Shaves!
Sorry to hear about your Mom Jim. I hope everything works out! You know your loyal customers will wait as long as is needed.